We all began our journeys as part of musical teams in various houses of worship. Some of us led worship while others sat quietly at a keyboard, played other instruments, joined a choir, or hung out with the back-up singers. After years of what we call "traditional contemporary worship," we all felt there was more than an orchestrated worship set. Places of worship tend to have a worship band with a person "leading" a worship set. Even in traditional hymn worship, someone generally leads to keep the congregation together. This is what we call "church age worship" only because it's become an industry standard.
Enter the turn of the century...
Unbeknownst to each of us, we began our journey into the "more" of worship as we engaged in the heavenlies where we sat before the throne of God filling ourselves with frequencies of heaven that include (but aren't limited to) adoration, love, joy, and peace as we personally worshipped alongside all of creation before the throne. From there, we released those truths into the earth. How did this begin when we didn't even know each other? As with all spiritual moves, people catch a flow and go with it! Eventually, people find each other as we seek similar paths. It's the "law of attraction" at work.
Those in the Mystic Frequency Collaborative believe that this "new sound" involves collaboration where no single person dictates how the music flows. In a sense, it's like chamber music where there's no conductor. Chamber musicians are encouraged to listen to one another, playing off various ideas that are interpreted from the sheet music. The difference here is that we're not looking at sheet music. We're entirely led by the spirit, which requires a new level of listening to one another at the same time we're engaged in what's going on in the heavenlies. As with all things, this requires practice as we get to know each other on a personal level. We don't judge musical ability, who is better than someone else, what we perceive as wrong notes, and/or styles of performance. Every person is different and brings a puzzle piece to the table.
Meet the production team!

Joanne Dusatko is a Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) Certified Practitioner through the Vibrational Sound Therapy Association. She completed a 186 hour certificate program of Sound Healing and Therapy through the Globe Institute.
Joanne finds joy seeing people come into healing and wholeness. She has been a musician for most of her life and loves using her musical sensibilities along with her training and listening to Spirit to bring positive change to people. She currently resides in the Chicago suburb of Berwyn and sees people in her Berwyn studio space as well as in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago. Some services are also available online.
Joanne's kingdom journey began once she realized there was more depth to a relationship with the Trinity beyond what's presented in the standard church model. Her multi-faceted musical experience provided ample opportunities on various worship teams. She plays the acoustic, electric and bass guitars, percussion, and sings. She's highly sought after by worship teams because of her ability to tune into the leading of the Spirit. All of her music, she creates on her own from start to finish.
Joanne's creative piece includes an innate ability to "hear" what's going on in the spiritual realm and release it into the physical. No matter what your belief system is, what you receive from her is laced with a love that comes directly from the heart of Yahweh.
Joanne holds a degree in art with a minor in music (B.A.) from DePaul University.
Goal oriented and driven, Diane Holladay has pursued health, music, and the kingdom of God throughout her adult life. Early in her career she flowed into the fields of planning and the IT world focused on database support and application design. Her health path started with a pursuit to overcome migraines. Diane’s desire to make music led her to play keyboard, harp, and other instruments on worship teams. The desire to learn about frequencies and overcoming obstacles led her to find the smooth flowing path to abundant life.
Recently she had an encounter with God that wrapped her life pursuits into helping others find their harmonious path through healthy practices, goals, and perspectives. Following His lead, she has become certified in Vibrational Sound Therapy and the harmonizing energy flows of Jin Shin Jyutsu. The music portion of her call is leading her to create soothing, meditative music and declarative songs. She is also in the process of developing some health applications for smart phones and websites.

Del Hungerford is a classical musician who ventured into the deep waters of healing music as she walked her own healing journey. She discovered that she could have a "real time" relationship with Yahweh and not have to wait until she died to spend time in heaven. As she fostered an intimate relationship with the Trinity, she dealt with life's hard knocks and found spiritual. emotional, and physical healing in the process. Her music morphed from a classical style to an organic and spontaneous representation of what it's like to live and function from a heavenly perspective that's bathed in pure and unconditional love. After all, this new way of living is what brought her through a time in her life where she lived with extreme fatigue followed by losing her home through the process of eminent domain.
As an academic, Del is used to delving into the strangest places looking for obscure information. Her creative side brings balance to the frequent bursts of intense drive that seeks for truth wherever it's to be found. Her life is now focused on exploring "all things frequency" and how that fits into music, the fabric of creation, and functioning as a mature Son of God. After all, when Del learned to let go of things that no longer served her, kicking fear, anger, frustration, and all their cuddle buddies to the curb, she began to walk in better health - spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Del holds degrees in music from the University of Idaho (B.M), Yale University (M.M.) and the University of Washington (D.M.A.) She's taught in the public schools as well as at the collegiate level. In addition, she's performed as a professional clarinetist throughout the northwest.
Our Musical Collaboration...
First and foremost, we are worshippers. Bringing a variety of experiences and styles to the table, we honor one another for our individual nuances. There are many other musicians who join with us in our collaborative adventures but we are the three who master and produce all the albums. Additional collaborating musicians are listed on each album. Although by industry standards we're considered a "band," we desire to function in oneness where we defer equally to each other in our mystical musical adventures. Yes, someone may point us in a direction but from there, we begin a musical journey where we often don't know the final destination. Out of our music comes stories of unconditional love, limitless grace, triumphant mercy, and oneness with our one True Creator!